Pues gracias por la bag Lo ... jeje!! Yo creo que fue por ver mi anterior bag toda hecha shit, bueno ahora ya cargo mi shuffle para ir oyendo música en el trayecto como casi siempre lo hago. Cuando estudi(o)aba lo hago/hacía oyendo música más que nada para no estar oyendo el bullicio de los demás en la biblioteca, de tal forma que así es como yo me concentro más, de igual manera para no estar escuchando la fuckin música de shit que van oyendo los "microbios" o estar escuchando conversaciones de gente extraña (people equal shit!!!).
Algo de lo que suena en mi playlist:
Here we go again, motherfucker
Come on down, and see the idiot right here
Too fucked to beg and not afraid to care
What's the matter with calamity anyway?
Right? Get the fuck outta my face
Understand that i can't feel anything
It isn't like I wanna sift through the decay
I feel like a wound, like I got a fuckin'
Gun against my head, you live when I'm dead
One more time, mother fucker
Everybody hates me now, so fuck it
Blood's on my face and my hands, and I
Don't know why, I'm not afraid to cry
But that's none of your business
Whose life is it? Get it? See it? Feel it? Eat it?
Spin it around so i can spit in its face
I wanna leave without a trace
Cause I don't wanna die in this place
People = Shit (x4)
People = Shit (Whatcha gonna do?)
People = Shit (Cuz I am not afraid of you)
People = Shit (I'm everything you'll never be)
People = Shit
It never stops - you can't be everything to everyone
Contagion I'm sitting at the side of Satan
What do you want from me?
They never told me the failure I was meant to be
Overdo it - don't tell me you blew it
Stop your bitchin' and fight your way through it
C'mon mother fucker, everybody has to die
C'mon mother fucker, everybody has to die
People = Shit (x13)
People = Shit (Whatcha gonna do?)
People = Shit (Cuz I am not afraid of you)
People = Shit (I'm everything you'll never be)
People = Shit
Got That? RIGHT!
PS. Bien por la música jaja!!!
2 patrocinador(es):
Que buen tema, slipknot tiene razón: people = SHIT!!!, que bueno es cargar con música, para no oir conversaciones pendejas, y sobre todo el asqueroso regeton, que escuchan los micros...
ajám!!! me caga el reggeton!! it must die!!
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